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Dankzij jullie slaagt SCAD erin om werkelijk een verschil te maken in het leven van vele kinderen in Tamil Nadu. Wij blijven trouw aan onze missie: we steunen vandaag de SCAD-projecten die de levenskwaliteit van de meest kwetsbare kinderen -waaronder de kinderen met een beperking- willen verbeteren.

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2014 04

Jeba is a  boy with cerebral Palsy

lees het verhaal van Jeba Kumar

A differently-abled child is said to be a curse to the family

The parents especially the mother of a differently-abled child in India undergoes mental agony. In the initial stage parents go to religious worship centers to seek a solution for the problem. The child’s real needs are denied due to a lack of understanding and misbelief. So the physical, mental and social development of the child is typically ignored.

We try to seek out those struggling to cope

Most of the disabled people live in remote villages and a visit to a rehabilitation expert or a physical therapist is rare. Their parents are generally engaged in low paying and time consuming work. Trying to feed all their family is their priority. Those children suffering physical and mental hardship would be left on their own without any stimulation or rehabilitation. That’s why we started to reach out and help.

Mobile vans visit villages

Our two mobile vans go out into the community and visit differently-abled children. On board we have a team of physiotherapists, nutritionists and carers to offer advice about methods of care in their homes. We run five centres for differently-abled children where they can be looked after during the day when their parents are working. Each centre has carers, play materials and physical equipment to help each child’s development.


Thousands more children could do with our help.
Get involved and find out how you could help. 


Dienstencentrum GID(t)S geeft extra kansen aan mensen met een beperking en probeert op hun vragen een gepast antwoord te geven. Maar dit beperkt zich niet tot de vragen dicht bij huis.


Met de organisatie SCAD in Zuid-India heeft DC GID(t)S een partnership waarbij ondersteuning gegeven wordt aan de uitbouw van een centrum voor kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen met een beperking.


vzw  sos SCAD-DORPEN India 

vzw Identificatienummer: 19873/98
vzw ondernemingsnummer: 0464 497 366

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